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Under your mantle,
O Mother of the Church,
O Model of all Christians,
your children on earth seek your
intercession and implore your mercy.
Inspire your sons, the clergy--
all deacons, priests, bishops,
cardinals, patriarchs, and our Holy Father-
to obey your Son and spread His Gospel
with firm conviction, loyalty to truth,
and unfailing love above all things.


Guide your children, the lay faithful,
as they carry the light of Christ
to the ends of the Earth: the great halls,
the small places, wherever life is lives.


O Mother of Saints,
O Refuge of Sinners,
lead us home at last to your
Church Triumphant where you
reign as Queen of Angels
and Queen of Heaven.  Amen.

Memorial celebrated the Monday following Pentecost Sunday 
IMPRIMATUR:  Most Reverend Jeffrey M.  Monforton, Bishop of Steubenville
Mary the Mother of God and Mother of the Church
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