Sons and Daughters of the LAMB
of the Immaculate Conception,
Apostolate of Mercy
Messages for America
11/17/2016 - As I sat in Adoration at the chapel a vision was given to me from God and I heard these words:

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America And to the Republic for which it stands One Nation under God...”
(Pledge published - September 8th, 1892;
by Francis Bellamy)
Mother Mary was present as Our Lady of Fatima, I was shown the outline of the United States of America and within this shape came forth the stars and stripes of our nation’s patriotic flag, this is the symbol of our foundation in which Christ brought forth America. Its colors of red and white represent His Divine Mercy and the blue is the mantle of the Mother of God, the white stars that represent each state within the United States are within the mantle of the Mother of God. I saw an enormous conversion of people through this representation of Mother Mary leading Her children into victory over sin.
Mother Mary: The day has come My daughter when I will lead My children out of sin and into My Son’s arms with His Mercy. We will fight and the battle will be won. Now is the time for My Immaculate Heart to reign, it will be at a time when all hope will seem lost, but My heart will prevail over evil and you will see the victory won. My child prepare now for battle, for I will send you out proclaiming God’s Kingdom is at hand, and all who wish to join the effort will be victorious. The battle has begun and you will not be defeated; I will hold you up in this work obtaining souls for My Son. I am asking all My children willing to sacrifice their lives for this cause to bring forth the Kingdom of God. My army will be great in number over satan, by the grace from God. No one will be left out who wishes to follow My command and I will defeat satan and all his minions. You, My children will march with dignity, fairness and love in your hearts for God. No war has ever been fought like this before. You will be out-numbered physically, but not spiritually for all of Heaven will be on your side and we will be victorious.

Jesus: I am here My little one, it is I Jesus your Crucified King; I am with you child, be at peace knowing you are in My Will.
The months ahead will be hard, but you will be victorious with My Mother leading you. Now I wish for you to begin this Solidarity Movement of Peace in unity with Truth, bringing forth MY Truth in a time of great trial. The movement will begin with My Mother calling all Her children together asking for peace and unity conformed into one, to utilize all Her children in bringing forth the reign of Her Immaculate Heart. Asking all Her children to put aside all their works as separate and working together in solidarity united as one fighting for the rights of all Her children, bringing them forth into Her heart. This grace will set your country free once more and will bring about the consecration of Her Immaculate Heart to the world. I am asking all My children to put aside your differences and work for peace and truth, accepting all as one in unity with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The communist reign of America is here now, you do not see it in full force yet, but it will be. I want to save as many souls as I can before your country is attacked and My children need repentance. My son Donald Trump is being used to save America from falling into the hands of the enemy; he will be used in a great way.
Now My people must understand that the only way to save America is through My Mother. Her Role was given to America by My Father and She will reign as Queen for your country and express My great love that I have for My children through Her Immaculate Heart. You will be entering into a new Revolution where man will triumph in the Heart of My Mother.
The repercussions of this work will be great — bear witness to My Truth and depend solely on Me and all will be given. Trust, My daughter, Trust.